Protect Your Most Valuable Business Asset

I previously refused to commit any post to the current economic climate, for the simple reason that everywhere I turned there was a headline about the gloom and doom of the recession and what it brings with it. Where does a Christian business woman draw strength in these times?

As a child of the Most High I refuse to give up! I am well aware of the economic climate but I refuse to accept a downturn in business as my lot. In spite of the recession, there are businesses out there thriving and experiencing growth. New businesses are still being started and established.

I encourage you to in this time keep your focus on God, no one who puts their hope in him will be pu to shame (Psalm25:3). Do not neglect time with Him in prayer and bible study. By spending time with God you are building and protecting your most valuable business asset, you. Maintain your focus on your source trusting Him to keep you and your business and see you through. You will find encouragement, direction, favour, provision and inspiration. When your mind is going in the right direction everything else will be impacted, including your employees, agents and clients.

You must begin strengthening and protecting yourself by taking time with God.