Is Your Family Hooked on Digital Media? Hmmm???

“It is not kids who have brought the widespread use of technology into the home; it is us [the parents],” concludes a 2011 Barna Group study titled The Family and Technology Report. Parents in the study used their cellphones even more regularly than their kids did. They were also more apt to use a desktop computer and equally apt to use a laptop or notebook.

Parents, we are the ones who bring all these devices and technology into the lives of our families—and then decry the resulting lack of relationship we have with one another. It’s no wonder our kids consider us hypocrites.


Leadership is not an exclusive club reserved for those who were “born with it.” The traits comprising the raw materials of leadership can be acquired. Link them up with desire and nothing can keep you from becoming a leader.
 - John Maxwell


I’m Not Done Yet

It’s so good to be back here in my place on this blog. I have been away busy with various tasks, projects as well as everyday ups and downs. But thank God that He is faithful and when we get “busy”, He gives us a gentle nudge, reminding us of the things we ought to do. We now have a group on Facebook known as Christian Business Women where we encourage women to share tools and advice that may be beneficial to others, please join me and the other ladies here. 

I am really happy to be back here where I can share my thoughts and ideas and connect with my readers in a different way. Welcome to a new chapter at the Christian Business Woman blog, I’m not done yet...


I Prayed for You Today

I said a prayer for my blog readers today.

That God will surround you with favour and give you divine wisdom. I prayed that your needs will be met and you will thrive inspite of any challenges you may be faced with. I asked God to bless and keep you and your loved ones in good health. I requested that He keep the vision He has planted in you alive and give you the right people, strategy and tools to work with. I pray that this week will be a week of testimonies in your life.

In Jesus name.



If You Want to Influence Others...

....don't try to impress them says John Maxwell. Read more here.


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